Day in the Life is sponsored by OLG. Check them out on social @OLGToday or visit their website here.
Welcome to Sault Ste Marie, or affectionately known to the locals as “The Soo.” This city, and its American twin across the river share a long history as well as stunning views of Lake Superior.
Today we are joining Cathy Syrette from the Art gallery of Algoma for a series of videos showing you around their exhibitions and teaching you the stories behind some of their works. Learn about Norval Morrisseau or take a behind-the-scenes look at their Ribbon Shirts and Skirts program for the Ontario Culture Days festival.
Throughout the entire Ontario Culture Days festival, we’ll be dropping in on many different communities across the province. Hit the button below to check out the growing roster of these featured communities.
Ontario Culture Days Programming:
- For Culture Days Fringe North International Theatre Festival presents Project Nishin. Project Nishin is a series of 5 videos that create space for connection and sharing of ideas among Indigenous creatives during a global health pandemic.
- Northern Ontario Latin Hispanic Association (NOLHA) has compiled a series of stories that related to Latin Hispanic immigration, build bridges of interest, empathy and commonality among Latin/Hispanic community and the Sault Ste. Marie residents.
- Sault Ste Marie Indigenous Friendship Centre and the Art gallery of Algoma have created traditional Ribbon Shirts and Skirts this past summer. Learn about their process and view their pieces here.
- Friends of Ermatinger Clergue N.H.S is featuring daily videos regarding historic cultural events this festival season. Each segment will showcase re-enactors presenting daily life, war, and trade in the 1800’s.
- Sault Ste Marie is all about storytelling this season. Join James L. McIntyre Centennial Library for a series of storytimes adventures here.
For the full list of events in Sault Ste. Marie click here.