Application Deadline: January 30, 2023
Ontario Culture Days is seeking proposals from artists and creatives, working from across disciplines, and from throughout Ontario to be featured as a part of Ontario Culture Days’ Creatives in Residence (CiR) program to create commissioned projects and/or programs. Through this multidisciplinary series, residents work closely with Ontario Culture Days to develop new community-engaged projects which are presented during the fall festival.
Organisational Biography
Ontario Culture Days (ONCD) is a not-for-profit organization that celebrates artists and cultural groups in our communities. The Ontario Culture Days Festival is an annual celebration of arts, culture and heritage taking place each fall across the province. Each year, we work with organizers of all disciplines to produce this free province-wide event. Organisers host programs throughout Ontario and invite the public to participate for free.
Ontario Culture Days lives at the local level. We support organizers from the smallest hamlets to the largest cities, while coordinating with other national and provincial Culture Days partners.
Selection Process
Eligible artists will submit a proposal for a commissioned project and/or program for the Ontario Culture Days Festival.
The selection panel will review all eligible submissions and select artists.
Artists will be given a project orientation to develop projects related to their discipline(s) and medium(s) with the goal of community engagement at their core, while considering questions of accessibility and inclusion.
Each artist or team will deliver their project/program production plans.
Each artist will develop their production plans into a project and/or program for the Ontario Culture Days Festival (between September to October 2024)
Artist & Production Fees and Other Support
Artist Fee: $3000.00
Production Fees: Up to $5000.00
Other support: mentorship and networking opportunities helping to connect residents with our countless partner organizations across the province, and marketing support with an internal team and external firms.
The call is open to all artists and creatives working across mediums, working in Ontario. We are looking for proposals from a variety of different disciplines, including, but not limited to visual art, dance, theatre, music, history and heritage, architecture and design, culinary arts, craft, and storytelling. We are also seeking proposals that reflect the many communities that make up the province of Ontario.
Ontario Culture Days strives to activate a lens of pluralism, equity, and inclusion. We invite participation from a variety of backgrounds with an interest in moving our mission, vision, and values forward. In particular, we encourage perspectives of Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour (IBPOC), Trans, Non-Binary, LGBTQ2S+, Women, as well as individuals from rural and remote communities.
Ontario Culture Days aims to make our recruitment process as accessible as possible. If you have any access requirements for this interview that you would like us to accommodate, please let us know.
Application Instructions
Deadline for application: January 30, 2023.
Please submit a proposal as single or separate PDF files to info@onculturedays.ca and use the subject line 2024 ONCD Festival – (Your Name).
Your proposal should contain the following information:
- Your name, address, email, and phone number.
- Statement of Intent (200-500 Words): Outline your artistic approach and initial project and/or program ideas.
- CV, Biography.
- A portfolio of past work (5-10 images).
If you have any questions, please contact:
Subject line: CIR Call
Ontario Culture Days
401 Richmond St W, Suite #350
Toronto, ON, M5V 3A8