Angela Walcott
‘The People’s Garden,’ Eco-friendly Art Workshops by Angela Walcott
Thursday October 6, 2022
Black Creek Community Farm
4929 Jane St. Toronto, ON
Drop in from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Friday September 23, 2022
St. Lawrence Market,
93 Front St E, Toronto, ON M5E 1C3
Saturday September 24, 2022
Ocala Winery & Orchard,
971 High Point Rd, Port Perry, ON L9L 1B3
Sunday September 25, 2022
Deeply Rooted Market
455 Cosburn Ave. East York, ON M4J 2N2

What are our food sources and what do they mean to community members? What kinds of conversations can happen over a shared meal? “The People’s Garden” is an Ontario Culture Days 2022 Creatives in Residence project which looks at relationships between farming, food, creativity and community, with the main focus of this project being sustainability and food security. A series of eco-friendly art workshops at Farmer’s markets in the GTA, will introduce participants to elements of textile design (textile imprint design); image transfer and eco painting. The project will include a podcast series with interviews from community gardeners and farmers; sketches of botanicals related to urban farming, urban gardeners and urban farmers. A podcast guest speaker from Toronto Black Farmers has been invited to speak about diversity in farming during an episode of The People’s Garden, which will be hosted on (edited by workshop leaders Lorna Boschman and Sebnem Ozpeta). A visit to community gardens at HomesteadTO garden and the Malvern Family Resource Centre will shed light on the process of farming as it relates to diverse cultures within the city.
Artist’s bio:
Angela Walcott is a freelance writer and visual artist with an interest in painting, ceramics and mixed media art. She frames stories of community and the importance of mark-making as it relates to identifying permanence within society. With sustainability acting as a primary inspiration for her art practice she is always looking for ways to incorporate and strategize the use of found objects within her projects. As a BIPOC artist Angela is interested in producing art that considers framing and contextualizing art within historical perspectives as it relates to issues surrounding early African-Canadian settlement patterns across Canada.
Black Creek Community Farm (BCCF) is an eight-acre site located on Toronto and Region Conservation Authority land in Toronto. The farm is located in the Jane & Finch neighbourhood, making it uniquely situated to be an urban agricultural centre that engages, educates, and empowers diverse communities through sustainable food. We aim to inspire the next generation by providing leadership in food justice, and supporting diverse natural and social ecosystems.
Deeply Rooted Farmers Market is a Toronto located non profit, dedicated to creating a farmers market that focuses on highlighting Black and Indigenous vendors. We believe that healthy, organic and culturally appropriate food is a human right, not a privilege, and are dedicated to making that right more accessible to Black and Indigenous communities. It is our duty to create equity within all areas of society so that we can ensure that generations after us enjoy the same benefits as those currently more privileged. Our goal is to help small businesses grow and thrive, while ensuring a safe and positive space in which to do so.
‘The People’s Garden’ by Angela Walcott
Multidisciplinary artist Angela Walcott believes it’s important to highlight the power of community when it comes to gardening and food security.
In-Depth,Stories & More,Festival 2022,Creatives in Residence
Embracing the power of community through ‘The People’s Garden’
Multidisciplinary artist Angela Walcott believes it’s important to highlight the power of community when it comes to gardening and food security.
Stories & More,Things to do,Festival 2022,Creatives in Residence
Meet the Creatives: Stories Rooted in Food
Food is a universal resource. It brings everyone to the table, literally and figuratively. For Ontario Culture Days’ 2022 Creatives in Residence program, food is the second theme our artists are responding to.
Artistic programs are made possible thanks to support from Canadian Heritage, the Province of Ontario, the Ontario Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Toronto Arts Council.